A non-livable structure is defined as any structure on the property with no quarters or living
space inside it. To install on other non-livable structures, ESP must determine that the structure
can fit the proposed arrays as well as support the additional weight of the installed solar panels.
Also keep trenching costs in mind to reach any outbuildings. For structures like sheds, barns,
carports, pergolas, gazebos, stand-alone patio covers, and other non-livable structures, this
may require the evaluation of a professional engineer and incurred costs will be passed
along as an adder
Ground Mounts are acceptable solutions where ownership of the land is verifiable but the home
itself does not qualify. Follow the Ground Mount instructional video in our QuickBase
Training/Onboarding Library.
Q: The homeowner has a hill or slope on their property with good sun exposure. Can we install
solar on it?
A: Proposed ground mounts located on sloped terrain over 15 degrees is outside ESP’s scope
and will be disqualified. Standard ground mount angle is 15 degrees, and therefore anything
steeper is not within our standard procedures. Type of terrain will also come into play, as well as
amount of brush or other obstructions. Proposed ground mount locations need to be clear of
bushes and ground cover.