After everything is installed according to the plan set, an in-person inspection will be carried out by the AHJ and a representative from ESP. The inspector will be checking the panels, inverter, wiring, and disconnects to ensure they were installed correctly, and according to plan.
Scheduling an Inspection
ESP's Inspection Scheduling team will coordinate a date and time with the city.
Although the homeowner's presence is not mandatory during the inspection, the ESP project manager will contact the homeowner to confirm the inspection date and emphasize the importance of providing clear access to the home.
In certain cases, the homeowner might need to sign a Smoke Detector / Carbon Monoxide form prior to the inspection.
Depending on the jurisdiction, the inspection appointment will typically be scheduled anywhere from the next day to a few weeks out. The appointment time also varies by jurisdiction but will typically be an AM, PM, or all-day inspection timeframe.
Inspection Day
ESP will be on-site and prepared for the inspector's arrival, making sure all pre-inspection tasks, such as placing placards, painting the conduit, and commissioning the system, are completed. Additionally, ESP will set up a ladder in the event the inspector needs to get on the roof.
Once the inspector has arrived, the inspection itself can last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour. As soon as ESP is notified that the project has passed inspection, it will be passed to the Utilities Team to begin the PTO process.